first impressions

The Best Countries in Africa for First-Timers to the Continent

The Best Countries in Africa for First-Timers to the Continent

Explore the ancient wonders of Egypt. Browse the bustling markets of Ghana. Experience the breathtaking landscapes of Tanzania. Whether you seek safari thrills or cultural experiences, this comprehensive list ensures a memorable first trip to Africa…

My First Lessons in Culture Shock

My First Lessons in Culture Shock

I first arrived in Ghana on a Friday. I remember this because I didn’t have any Ghanaian money on me, or even knew what Ghanaian money was called—wait, did other people come here knowing this kind of information? Then again, I know a number of people who still consider ‘Africa’ to be a country—and would have to spend the weekend without some. But I did have…

How to Pose for Pictures in Southeast Asia

How to Pose for Pictures in Southeast Asia

When taking pictures of Koreans, I've found there are two options for poses: 1) grumpy, unsmiling, and serious, or 2) cutey-patootey with curious hand gestures and facial expressions. The former is popular in formal situations, such as school portraits, taxi registration cards, or business photos, while the latter is usually reserved for…

Glass Slipper Called Seoul

Glass Slipper Called Seoul

I’m no stranger to cities. I’ve lived in some, played in others, studied even more. But nothing I’ve come across has compared to the place that is called Seoul. After being here a month, I still cannot quite grasp why it fits me so well. I don’t speak the language. It rains so much I’ve had to buy three umbrellas already. My apartment would be the…